SOMERSET, KY – A longtime University of the Cumberlands (UC) staff member is the newest member of the Southeast Kentucky Economic Development Corporation’s (SKED) Board of Directors.
In April, UC Vice President for Human Resources Steve Allen joined the Board at SKED’s annual meeting at the Center for Rural Development in Somerset, Ky. He has served on the nonprofit’s general membership since 2018.

“When I was first asked to join SKED’s general membership board, I didn’t know much about the organization,” Allen explained. “As I began to research, I quickly realized what an asset SKED is to my home region and was excited to accept and help in any way I could.”
Allen says his tenure on the general membership board has given him even more insight into the 36-year-old nonprofit’s mission and programs
“In my nearly four years of association with SKED, I continue to be impressed by its leadership and staff and the wonderful programs it offers,” he added. “Staff continues to help bring businesses and jobs to our region and empower them to be powerful economic engines for the future of our 45-county service area.”
Allen is a 27-year UC veteran. He earned his bachelor’s degree in business administration and worked in banking before returning to his alma mater to work in admissions, financial aid, and human resources. In addition to his career, Allen is active in the Williamsburg and Corbin communities. He is a board member for the Bell-Whitley Community Action Agency, several human resources-related organizations, on the Corbin Little League board, and a member of Main Street Baptist Church.
SKED Executive Director Brett Traver says Allen was an obvious choice when there was an opening in the Board’s directorship.
“The insight of higher education experts is invaluable to our organization as we develop our programs and projects to help address the newest and most-innovative workforce trends across our 45-county service territory, Traver said. “Steve has been a great asset to SKED’s General Membership, and I look forward to working with him as a new director in the coming years.”
Allen joins a veteran group of individuals on SKED’s Board of Directors. They include Carol Wright, president and CEO of Jackson Energy Cooperative as president; Hometown Bank President and CEO Tim Barnes as vice-president; 4 Arrows Consulting, LLC owner David Blakeman as secretary; Southern Kentucky Economic Development Agency Executive Director Bruce Carpenter as treasurer; and Corey Craig, president and CEO of Citizens Bank of Mount Vernon as an at-large director.
Other directors currently serving on the SKED Board include Charlene Harris, president and CEO of First National Bank of Russell Springs; Virginia Flanagan, special assistant to the President of Campbellsville University; Daryl Smith, economic development project manager with Kentucky Utilities; Tim Gibbs, president, and CEO of Ashland Alliance, Dr. Jennifer Lindon, president and CEO of Hazard Community and Technical College; and Darryl McGaha, retired director of the Lake Cumberland Area Development District.
Traver says the corporation is honored to be represented by such distinguished and experienced directors as it begins its 36th year of service to the region.
“Our volunteer board members take time from their busy schedules each month to help lead the organization’s programs and make important financial decisions,” Traver said. “Their volunteer efforts are invaluable to SKED’s future success.”
To learn how SKED helps small business owners do business better, visit or call (606) 677-6100.